Sunday, June 13, 2010

Camp Schedule!

Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun!
Here's what's happening at Girl's Camp!
Tuesday, June 29th
7:00 am: Breakfast in Julie Creer's backyard (pancake bar, all yw and leaders help cook)
8:00 am: Leave for Camp
10:30 am: Arrive/Welcome/Rations/Snacks
11:00 am: HIKE & Sack Lunch (wear good close-toed shoes, bring your own sack lunch)
2:00 pm: Unpack, Settle in, Snacks, Circle of Sisters
3:00 pm: FREE TIME (canoeing, badminton, water games, immunity challenges)
5:30 pm: Dinner Duty (Abby H., Rachel C., Deidra T., Madi J.)
6:00 pm: DINNER
7:00 pm: Wacky Pants Dance & Fashion Show, Banana Splits by the fire
8:00 pm: Tribal Counsel: PJ Devotional, Songs around Campfire
9:00 pm: Family Prayer
Wednedsay, June 30th
8:00 am: Breakfast/Clean-up: (Bailey, Madi A., Kennedi, Kaitlyn)
8:30 am: Tree Mail: Morning Devotional, Flag Ceremony
9:00 am: Stations (dog tags, glass tiles, beading, scriptures/personal progress, journal writing,
furry flip-flops, pedicures, glitter toes, certifications)
10:30 am: Immunity Challenge/ SNACKS
NOON: Lunch (Megan, McKenzie, Sindy, Livi)
12:30: Immunity Challenge
1:00 pm: Crafts (finish stations)
2:00 pm: Certifications
3:00 pm: Free Time
5:00 pm: Skit Prep
5:30 pm: Dinner Duty (Rachel P., Mary, Alyssa, Tiffany)
6:00 pm: Dinner with Bishopric
7:00 pm: Tribal Counsel: Skit, Testimony Meeting, Dutch oven dessert
9:00 pm: Family Prayer
Thursday, July 1st:
8:00 am: Breakfast: Self Serve
8:30 am: Morning Devotional/Awards
9:00 am: Pack/ Clean-up
10:00 am: Leave for home...arrive home 12:30 ish

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