Friday, January 28, 2011

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This is the Place!

Directions to Beehive Camp!
Christmas Meadows:
1. Merge onto I-80 E toward CHEYENNE.
2. Take the US-40 E. toward Heber/Vernal.
3. Take EXIT 4 toward Park City/Kamas.
4. Turn LEFT on UT-248
5. Turn LEFT onto UT-32/ S MAIN ST.
6. Turn RIGHT onto UT-150/E CENTER ST. Continue to follow UT-150.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kiss them Goodbye! :)

You Won't Need ANY of the Following:
Bathing Suit
Flip Flops
Cell Phone
Ipod/ Itouch, etc.
Hand held Video Games
Spray Cans
(other then your secret sister treats)
Expensive Jewelry
There won't be any showers so no need for shampoo or conditioner!

Camp Schedule!

Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun!
Here's what's happening at Girl's Camp!
Tuesday, June 29th
7:00 am: Breakfast in Julie Creer's backyard (pancake bar, all yw and leaders help cook)
8:00 am: Leave for Camp
10:30 am: Arrive/Welcome/Rations/Snacks
11:00 am: HIKE & Sack Lunch (wear good close-toed shoes, bring your own sack lunch)
2:00 pm: Unpack, Settle in, Snacks, Circle of Sisters
3:00 pm: FREE TIME (canoeing, badminton, water games, immunity challenges)
5:30 pm: Dinner Duty (Abby H., Rachel C., Deidra T., Madi J.)
6:00 pm: DINNER
7:00 pm: Wacky Pants Dance & Fashion Show, Banana Splits by the fire
8:00 pm: Tribal Counsel: PJ Devotional, Songs around Campfire
9:00 pm: Family Prayer
Wednedsay, June 30th
8:00 am: Breakfast/Clean-up: (Bailey, Madi A., Kennedi, Kaitlyn)
8:30 am: Tree Mail: Morning Devotional, Flag Ceremony
9:00 am: Stations (dog tags, glass tiles, beading, scriptures/personal progress, journal writing,
furry flip-flops, pedicures, glitter toes, certifications)
10:30 am: Immunity Challenge/ SNACKS
NOON: Lunch (Megan, McKenzie, Sindy, Livi)
12:30: Immunity Challenge
1:00 pm: Crafts (finish stations)
2:00 pm: Certifications
3:00 pm: Free Time
5:00 pm: Skit Prep
5:30 pm: Dinner Duty (Rachel P., Mary, Alyssa, Tiffany)
6:00 pm: Dinner with Bishopric
7:00 pm: Tribal Counsel: Skit, Testimony Meeting, Dutch oven dessert
9:00 pm: Family Prayer
Thursday, July 1st:
8:00 am: Breakfast: Self Serve
8:30 am: Morning Devotional/Awards
9:00 am: Pack/ Clean-up
10:00 am: Leave for home...arrive home 12:30 ish

It's Time to Get READY!

WHAT? Reading Ward Beehive Camp!

WHEN? Tuesday, June 29th - Thursday, July 1st!

WHERE? Christmas Meadows, Creer Family Cabin!
(It is about a 2 hr. 15 min. drive from Centerville)

WHY? Camp is an outdoor experience for young women ages 12 to 18.
It Gives YW opportunities to:
*Draw closer to Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ
*Feel the influence of the Spirit
*Serve Others
*Build Friendships and Unity
*Learn Skills
*Appreciate God's Creations
*Have Fun

How Much? The cost of Beehive camp is $25 per girl. Monday needs to be turned in ASAP!


Pack Lightly Girls! :)

-Sleeping Bag
-Light Blanket
-1 Towel/Washcloth
-Socks/ 3-4 pair
-2-3 pair long pants (sorry, no shorts or capris)
-Shirts (with sleeves - It will probably be VERY cool during camp...dress warm)
-Water Shoes (no flip-flops)
-Close-toed tennis shoes/ hiking boots
-Wacky Pants
-First Aid kit/ Whistle with neck cord
-1 mug
-Mess kint/ any plate, cup, utensils will work....we'll supply the mesh bag for you.
-Reusable water bottle
-Flashlight with extra batteries
-Insect Repellant
-Secret Sister Treats
-Sack Lunch for Hike
-Journal/ Notebook
-Personal Progress
-Camp Manual

*Water bottle is a will use it for every meal, etc. Write your name on it in permanent marker!

*Bring your Secret Sister's favorite candy and drink (See Sis. Turley if you don't remember) and 1 other gift of your choice.

*Wacky Pants: Spend some time (in the next couple of weeks) creating a WACKY pair of pants to model at our wacky pants dance. Use your imagination and make them as wacky as possible. Bring them with you to camp, but don't show anyone before the fashion show! :)

*Sack Lunch: Pack a sack lunch from home and bring it with you. You will need it for the hike on Tuesday afternoon!

Back In Business!

This little blog has had a string of bad luck lately
....BUT, our luck is changing! :)

My Camera and Charger have been FOUND and we're back in business!



It is now Tuesday, June 29th - Thursday, July 1st!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Camp Meeting!

Tonight we held our first camp meeting. We figured out what levels everyone needs to certify for, had some treats, filled out get-to-know you sheets, and took LOTS of pictures!

Don't Forget: Tuesday, April 6th, 7:00 pm, more camp certification for the Beehives @ mutual!

I know it's Spring Break, but if you can make it, we'd love to have you there! Bring your Camp Book! 11 year olds are invited too!

Sister T.